Availability of Faculty & Project for Hosting Research Internship Program
Please note: Acceptance to any research unit at OIST is at the discretion of the faculty. For each application round only a limited number of interns will be admitted. Not all available faculty will be able to accept an intern. Projects listed below are subject to change. OIST Faculty will assign work to research interns as appropriate, in discussion with each intern.
Professor | Unit Name | Starting between October 2024 to March 2025 | Starting between April 2025 to September 2025 | Faculty Research Interests and Project Information Click here for more information on Research Activities at OIST. |
Najwa Aaraj | Future-Proof Cryptography Unit | No availability | No availability | |
Ugur Abdulla | Analysis and Partial Differential Equations Unit | 3 positions maximum | 3 positions maximum | The aim of the Analysis and Partial Differential Equations (PDE) unit is to reveal and analyze the mathematical principles reflecting natural phenomena expressed by partial differential equations. Research focuses on fundamental analysis of PDEs, regularity theory of elliptic and parabolic PDEs, with special emphasis on the regularity of finite boundary points and the point at ∞, its measure-theoretical, probabilistic and topological characterization, well-posedness of PDE problems in domains with non-smooth and non-compact boundaries, global uniqueness, analysis and classification of singularities, asymptotic laws for diffusion processes, regularity theory of nonlinear degenerate and singular elliptic and parabolic PDEs, free boundary problems, optimal control of free boundary systems with distributed parameters. Current areas of interest include Potential Theory, Harmonic Analysis, Probability Theory, Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control, Optimization, Mathematical Biosciences and Quantum Biology. Some of the current research projects in Applied Mathematics include laser ablation of biomedical tissues; preventing aerodynamic stall by in-flight ice accretion in the aerospace industry; cancer detection through Electrical Impedance Tomography and optimal control theory; identification of parameters in large-scale models of systems biology; optimal control of reactive oxygen species in quantum biology. |
David Armitage | Integrative Community Ecology Unit | 2 positions maximum | 2 positions maximum | Our unit studies ecological and evolutionary processes at population, community, and ecosystem scales. Potential projects could include field, lab, or modeling studies of biotic interaction, community-ecosystem linkages, species coexistence, community assembly, landscape genetics, plant-microbe interactions, and experimental evolution. |
Mahesh Bandi | Nonlinear and Non-equilibrium Physics Unit | No availability | No availability | Our group works in experimental nonlinear, non-equilibrium, and soft matter physics, broadly defined. We currently focus on four strongly overlapping themes: (1) Statistical Hydrodynamics, (2) Mechanics of Disordered Media, (3) Fluctuations in Renewable Energy, and (4) Quantitative Life Sciences. There are several projects for an interested intern in all these four themes. |
Thomas Bourguignon | Evolutionary Genomics Unit | 1 position maximum | 1 position maximum | The topic of the project will be determined according to the research interest of the intern. Examples of research projects are: comparative genomics of termites, coevolution between termites and the intracellular parasites Wolbachia and Cardinium, coevolution between termites and their gut prokaryotes. |
Thomas Busch | Quantum Systems | 3 positions maximum | 3 positions maximum | Projects of theoretical nature in the area of ultra cold atoms, quantum information and quantum engineering. Students should have a background in physics and during their time with us will get an overview of the current state of the area and do analytical or numerical work on a project related to a currently ongoing research project, depending on their interest. |
Amin Chabchoub | Marine Physics and Engineering Unit | TBD | TBD | |
Pinaki Chakraborty | Fluid Mechanics Unit (Unit Video) | 2 positions maximum | 2 positions maximum | Experimental Fluid Mechanics (Turbulent flows). |
Carlos Cid | Applied Cryptography Unit | 1 position maximum | 1 position maximum | My main interest and area of expertise is cryptography. I lead the "applied cryptography unit", which investigates the design and analysis of modern cryptographic primitives and schemes used to protect the confidentiality and integrity of data – at rest, being communicated or computed upon – both in the classical and the quantum settings. Specific areas of interest include the algebraic cryptanalysis of symmetric and asymmetric key algorithms, design and analysis of primitives for privacy-preserving cryptographic mechanisms (e.g. secure computation schemes), as well as the design and analysis of quantum-safe cryptographic constructions. Another area of interest is cyber-economics: the intersection between cyber security / cryptography and economics. |
Keshav Dani | Femtosecond Spectroscopy Unit | 2 positions maximum | 2 positions maximum | Projects available in two-dimensional materials and energy materials using techniques in ultrafast spectroscopy, photoemission spectroscopy and computational data analysis (e.g. using Matlab). Students with a prior background in these fields will be competitive. |
Erik De Schutter | Computational Neuroscience Unit | 1 position maximum | 1 position maximum | We use computational, data-driven methods to study how neurons and microcircuits in the brain operate. We are interested in the interaction between fundamental properties like morphology or excitability and neural functions like information processing or learning. Most of our models are about the cerebellum or hippocampus because they have been studied extensively, allowing for detailed modeling at many different levels of complexity. More recently our focus shifted to nanoscale modeling of neurons, astrocytes and synapses. |
Ulf Dieckmann | Complexity Science and Evolution Unit | 3 positions maximum | 3 positions maximum | We welcome interns enthusiastic about getting to know research in complexity science and evolution, including links with theoretical physics, applied mathematics, computer science, ecology, socio-economics, and game theory. Projects can be co-designed according to mutual interests in the following research areas and beyond:
Kenji Doya | Neural Computation Unit (Unit Video) | 1 position maximum | 1 position maximum | Projects in computational neuroscience and brain-inspired artificial intelligence. |
Evan Economo | Biodiversity and Biocomplexity Unit (Unit Video) | No availability | No availability | Projects are related to evolution, ecology, biodiversity: population genetics, morphological evolution, biogeography, 3D imaging and modeling, community ecology of ants. |
Artur Ekert | Quantum Information Security Unit | No availability | No availability | |
David Elkouss | Networked Quantum Devices Unit | 1 position maximum | 1 position maximum | Looking for enthusiastic students from computer science, mathematics, and physics. The projects can be in different areas of theoretical quantum computer science such as quantum cryptography, quantum error correction, or quantum information theory. Projects will be part of our larger research agenda and can be part of collaborations with experimental groups. |
Amedeo Roberto Esposito | Information Theory, Probability, and Statistics Unit | TBD | TBD | |
Yejun Feng | Electronic and Quantum Magnetism Unit | 2 positions maximum | 2 positions maximum | We are in general interested in topics of materials science and condensed matter physics. Please refer to my publications for detailed scopes. |
Eliot Fried | Mathematics, Mechanics and Materials Unit | No availability | No availability | Theory, simulation, and simple experiments focused on physical and biological processes with interesting geometrical or topological features, including the formation of holes during the growth of the "Swiss cheese plant" (genus monstera), the water driven erosion of stone, the formation of ridges and cracks on the bark of growing trees, and the healing of punctured soap films. |
Tom Froese | Embodied Cognitive Science Unit | 1 position maximum | 1 position maximum |
Tomoki Fukai | Neural Coding and Brain Computing Unit | 1 position maximum | 1 position maximum |
Izumi Fukunaga | Sensory and Behavioral Neuroscience Unit | No availability | No availability | |
Gustavo Gioia | Continuum Physics Unit | No availability | No availability | The mechanics of solids and fluids. |
Yukiko Goda | Synapse Biology Unit | 1 position maximum | 1 position maximum | Projects are available to study;
Igor Goryanin | Biological Systems Unit | 2 positions maximum | 2 positions maximum | We are interested in students who would like to do AI, GLLM, bioinformatics metagenomic, metabolic data analysis. |
Shinobu Hikami | Mathematical and Theoretical Physics Unit | No availability | No availability | Random matrix theory, conformal bootstrap method, modular form and knot polynomials. |
Philipp Höhn | Qubits and Spacetime Unit | 2 positions maximum | 2 positions maximum | Quantum reference frames, observables in gauge theory and gravity, subsystems in gauge theory and gravity, spacetime thermodynamics, algebras and subregions, entropies in gravity, relational physics, quantum error correction, reconstructions of quantum theory. |
Filip Husnik | Evolution, Cell Biology, and Symbiosis Unit | 1 position maximum | 1 position maximum | Projects related to genomics and evolutionary cell biology of diverse symbioses (in deep sea protists, insects, corals, etc.) are available depending on interests of the intern. Please see our unit website for details [https://groups.oist.jp/ecbsu/members] |
Hiroki Ishikawa | Immune Signalling Unit | No availability | No availability | Identification and analysis of key regulators of immune responses that are relevant to various diseases. |
Ryota Kabe | Organic Optoelectronics Unit | 1 position maximum | 1 position maximum | Synthesize and evaluate novel materials necessary for charge separation and emission. Background in photophysical characterization of organic materials, photochemistry, organic synthesis, organic semiconductor devices, and computational chemistry is preferred. |
Julia Khusnutdinova | Coordination Chemistry and Catalysis Unit | 2 positions maximum | 2 positions maximum | Organometallic chemistry, homogeneous catalysis, stimuli-responsive polymers containing coordination compounds. |
Hiroaki Kitano | Integrated Open Systems Unit | No availability | No availability | My unit will focus on general areas of AI for Scientific Discovery, Aging, and Microbiome. |
Tomomi Kiyomitsu | Cell Division Dynamics Unit | No availability | No availability | Please see our unit website (https://groups.oist.jp/cddu) for details. |
Fyodor Kondrashov | Evolutionary and Synthetic Biology Unit | 2 positions maximum | 2 positions maximum | All students are encouraged to design and create their own project or choose among many in the lab. We are interested in the study of fitness landscapes, marine, fungal and avian genomics, population genetics, conservation biology, bioinformatics and synthetic biology. |
Keiko Kono | Membranology Unit | No availability | No availability | See unit website for details. |
Denis Konstantinov | Quantum Dynamics Unit | 2 positions maximum | 2 positions maximum | 1. Quantum state detection in electron-on-helium system for qubit implementation |
Bernd Kuhn | Optical Neuroimaging | 1 position maximum | 1 position maximum | The Kuhn Unit focuses on imaging neuronal activity in behaving mice. Intern projects involve training in animal surgery, in vivo two-photon imaging, and/or data analysis dependent on the interest and background of the applicant. Applicants who might want to join the OIST Graduate Program in the field of Neuroscience are specifically encouraged to apply. |
Akihiro Kusumi | Membrane Cooperativity | 1 position maximum | 1 position maximum | See unit website for details. |
Vincent Laudet | Marine Eco-Evo-Devo Unit | 1 position maximum | 1 position maximum | |
Paola Laurino | Protein Engineering and Evolution Unit | 2 positions maximum | 2 positions maximum | Different projects on enzymes evolution and design, e.g. protein engineering for biocatalysis or reconstruction of ancient folds. Requires some experience in organic chemistry or molecular biology or biochemistry. |
Qing Liu | Geometric Partial Differential Equations Unit | 2 positions maximum | 2 positions maximum | We adopt the viscosity solution theory and methods in geometric analysis to study nonlinear partial differential equations such as surface evolution equations, Hamilton-Jacobi equations, p-Laplace equations for applications in optimal control, game theory, image processing and so on. We also have research projects on differential equations in general metric spaces in connection with applications in optimal transport and data science. |
Christine Luscombe | pi-Conjugated Polymers Unit | 1 position maximum | 1 position maximum | Projects will be in the general area of semiconducting polymer synthesis and their applications. Please refer to unit website (https://groups.oist.jp/picpu) for more details. |
Nicholas Luscombe | Genomics and Regulatory Systems Unit | 1 position maximum | 1 position maximum | See unit website for details. |
Ichiro Masai | Developmental Neurobiology | 1 position maximum | 1 position maximum | Our unit have investigated molecular and cellular mechanisms that regulate cell differentiation and organogenesis during development, using zebrafish as an animal model. Four research projects below are ongoing.
Franz Meitinger | Cell Proliferation and Gene Editing Unit | No availability | 1 position maximum | The Cell Proliferation and Gene Editing Unit aims to understand molecular mechanisms of cell division and mitotic quality control in normal and cancer cells to determine tumor-suppressive mechanisms and cancer-specific vulnerabilities that can be exploited in chemotherapeutic approaches (https://groups.oist.jp/cellpro).
Jonathan Miller | Physics and Biology | No availability | No availability | Machine learning: Squid camouflage and genomics. |
Satoshi Mitarai | Marine Biophysics | No availability | No availability | The Marine Biophysics Unit (MBU) investigates biophysical coupling in the ocean at varying spatial scales, from micrometers for microbes to thousands of kilometers for biogeographic events, by incorporating physical, mathematical, and biological approaches. The MBU supports students with a variety of backgrounds; however, fluid dynamics and physical oceanography are fundamental to all of the Unit’s research. In particular, MBU welcomes students who are interested in employing physical and mathematical approaches to understand marine ecological systems. |
Hiroko Miyahara | Solar-Terrestrial Environment and Climate Unit | TBD | TBD | |
William John Munro | Quantum Engineering & Design | 1 position maximum | 1 position maximum | Our unit focus covers 3 broad overlapping theoretical themes:
For interns we are willing to considered projects associated with the first two themes. In particular
Gene Myers | Algorithms for Eco And Evo Genomics Unit | No availability | No availability | |
Naomi Nakayama | Biological Design Unit | TBD | TBD | |
Akimitsu Narita | Organic and Carbon Nanomaterials Unit | 2 positions maximum | 2 positions maximum | Please see our unit website. |
Yasha Neiman | Quantum Gravity | 1 position maximum | 1 position maximum | See unit website for details of the group’s research. |
Kae Nemoto | Quantum Information Science and Technology Unit | 1 position maximum | 1 position maximum | Projects are available in the following fields:
Síle Nic Chormaic | Light-Matter Interactions For Quantum Technologies Unit | 3 positions maximum | 3 positions maximum | Experimental work (with some simulations) in cold atoms, Rydberg atoms, laser cooling, atomic spectroscopy, optical nanofiber mode propagation, optical trapping of submicron particles, nonlinear optics in whispering gallery resonators. The work is usually mainly experimental, and preference given to students who can commit to longer internships (more than 3 months). |
Yoshinori Okada | Quantum Materials Science | 2 positions maximum | 2 positions maximum | Epitaxial thin film growth of quantum materials. |
Gerald Pao Chan | Biological Nonlinear Dynamics Data Science Unit | 3 positions maximum | 3 positions maximum | Research internships are available using the framework of empirical dynamic modeling (EDM), which is a suite of methods for the application of Takens theorem for time series analysis. The lab generally works on complex systems and uses manifold learning based data science where we generate and analyze our own as well as other people's data. Internships are available but not necessarily limited to the following areas: Computational neuroscience, Systems biology, stem cell biology, climate change/Physical/biological oceanography, ecology, and computational methods development/applied mathematics. Proficiency in Python, R or C++ is required as well as a solid foundation in linear algebra. In addition previous coursework or experience with nonlinear dynamics is highly beneficial. Experimental biologists who can generate their own data for downstream mathematical data analysis are also welcome. Backgrounds of interns are typically in computer science, applied or pure math, computational neuroscience, systems biology, electrical engineering, experimental molecular biology and/or neuroscience and ecology. |
Svante Pääbo | Human Evolutionary Genomics Unit | No availability | No availability | |
Simone Pigolotti | Biological Complexity Unit | 1 position maximum | 1 position maximum | Our main research activity is in theoretical and computational modeling of biophysical systems, ranging from stochastic molecular kinetics to population dynamics. Projects in non-equilibrium statistical physics and stochastic thermodynamics are also available. Candidates with background in these areas and interested in medium to long stays (i.e. more than three months) will be given preference. |
Yabing Qi | Energy Materials and Surface Sciences Unit | No availability | No availability | Research projects related to energy materials and surface sciences. |
Timothy Ravasi | Marine Climate Change Unit | No availability | 1 position maximum | Effect of Climate Change on Coral Reef fish communities. |
Sam Reiter | Computational Neuroethology Unit | 1 position maximum | 1 position maximum | Cephalopod neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, and behavior |
Daniel Rokhsar | Molecular Genetics Unit | 1 position maximum | 1 position maximum | My Unit is currently working on diverse projects related to the evolution of cephalopod and other genomes, neuronal cell types in cephalopods, and RNA editing in these species. We also have a long-standing interest in the diversity of Ryukyuan and other citrus species. |
Marco Edoardo Rosti | Complex Fluids and Flows Unit | 2 positions maximum | 2 positions maximum | Numerical simulations of laminar and turbulent complex flows. |
Lauren Sallan | Marine Macroevolution Unit | 3 positions maximum | 3 positions maximum | The Macroevolution Unit investigates how biodiversity evolved using data from living and fossil animals (particularly fishes), and approaches from fields such as phylogenetics, biomechanics, comparative anatomy, community ecology, and large-scale data analysis. Potential project topics include, but are not limited to, the origins and ecology of the Okinawan and Indo-Pacific fish faunas, the effects of mass extinction and global environmental change on marine ecosystems, the diversification of fishes and early vertebrate groups, the origins of key ecological traits, species interactions and coevolution, fossil description and phylogenetic placement, and the evolution of fish functional morphology. Projects will be assigned based on intern interest. |
Noriyuki Satoh | Marine Genomics Unit | 1 position maximum | No availability | |
Hidetoshi Saze | Plant Epigenetics Unit | 1 position maximum | 1 position maximum | Projects in epigenome analysis of plant genomes. |
Nic Shannon | Theory of Quantum Matter Unit | 1 position maximum | 1 position maximum | The Theory of Quantum Matter Unit carries out curiosity-driven research in the broad area of Quantum Materials and Statistical Physics. The Unit employs a wide range of numerical and analytic techniques, and collaborates widely, both internationally, and within Japan. Topics of current interest include Quantum Spin Liquids and novel phases of matter; applications of techniques from quantum information to quantum many body systems; development of algorithms for NISQ quantum computers; application of machine learning to problems in statistical physics. |
Amy Shen | Micro/Bio/Nanofluidics Unit (Unit Video) | 1 position maximum | 1 position maximum | Both 3D printing and micro/nano-fabrication have the potential to revolutionize the way we create and use structures and devices. However, they are used for different purposes and have different capabilities. 3D printing is used to create large structures and devices, while micro/nano-fabrication is used to create small, precise structures and devices. The internship project will be focused on developing micro/nanofabrication protocols to make pillar structures, and eventually integrate these structures inside a microfluidic device. |
Tsumoru Shintake | Quantum Wave Microscopy Unit | 2 positions maximum | 2 positions maximum | (1) Electron microscope R&D looking into protein crystal, atomic level imaging (2) Ethanol inhalation treatment R&D for COVID-19 and influenza |
Oleg Sitsel | Marine Structural Biology Unit | 2 positions maximum | 2 positions maximum | Available projects are centered on cryo-electron microscopy and cryo-electron tomography projects related to marine organisms of interest to the unit. However, if the research intern candidate has a different project to propose that could be of interest to our unit, please feel free to contact me at oleg.sitsel@oist.jp. |
Liron Speyer | Representation Theory and Algebraic Combinatorics Unit | 1 position maximum | No availability | Projects in group theory/combinatorics. |
Gergely Szöllősi | odel-Based Evolutionary Genomics Unit | 1 position maximum | 2 positions maximum | The Model-Based Evolutionary Genomics Unit works at the interface of computational and evolutionary biology. Currently, our two main focus areas are: “A rooted phylogeny resolves early bacterial evolution” Coleman, Davin, Mahendrarajah, Szánthó, Spang, Hugenholtz*, Szöllősi*, Williams* "Divergent genomic trajectories predate the origin of animals and fungi" “Trade-off between reducing mutational accumulation and increasing commitment to differentiation determines tissue organization” Demeter, Derényi, Szöllősi |
Greg Stephens | Biological Physics Theory Unit | 1 position maximum | 1 position maximum | See https://groups.oist.jp/bptu for an overview of our current interests and publications. Available projects include theoretical work in dynamical systems and information theory, especially using operator approaches to construct slowly-varying collective states, as well as quantitative approaches to behavior including social interactions in squid and zebrafish, and the colony dynamics of honeybees. |
Hiroki Takahashi | Experimental Quantum Information Physics Unit | 3 positions maximum | 3 positions maximum | Experimental work concerning ion trapping and/or laser physics, or spins in diamonds. Potential research projects are,
Fujie Tanaka | Chemistry and Chemical Bioengineering Unit | 2 positions maximum | 2 positions maximum | Projects in synthetic organic chemistry related to the development of chemical transformation methods, the development of organocatalysts, and the synthesis of functionalized molecules. |
Kazumasa Tanaka | Memory Research Unit | 1 position maximum | 1 position maximum | The Memory Research Unit aims to understand how memories are stored and used in the mammalian brain. Towards this goal, we combine genetic interventions, including optogenetic manipulation of neuronal activity, and electrophysiology/calcium imaging in freely moving mice. Successful applicants will learn one or more of these approaches and conduct a small research project. See unit website for details. |
Jun Tani | Cognitive Neurorobotics Unit | 1 position maximum | 1 position maximum | Neurorobotics, free energy principle, developmental psychology, consciousness, psychiatric disorder |
Chikae Tatsumi | Microbial and Ecosystem Ecology Unit | TBD | TBD | |
Marco Terenzio | Molecular Neuroscience Unit | No availability | No availability | |
Emile Touber | Shocks, Solitons and Turbulence Unit | No availability | No availability | See unit website |
Reiko Toriumi | Gravity, Quantum Geometry and Field Theory Unit | 1 position maximum | No availability | The available potential projects are related to random geometry (e.g., random tensors). The tools useful may be topology, combinatorics, quantum/statistical field theories, critical phenomena, renormalisation group (perturbative and non-perturbative). |
Gail Tripp | Human Developmental Neurobiology Unit | 1 position maximum | 1 position maximum | Our unit conducts research on the nature and causes of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). We are currently conducting studies on: reinforcement sensitivity (reward and punishment), including emotional reactivity, in children with and without ADHD; structural and pragmatic language skills in ADHD; social functioning in children with ADHD; and a range of parenting programs to manage ADHD. The lab also has the ability to undertake research on neuropsychological functioning in children with and without ADHD. |
Jason Twamley | Quantum Machines Unit | 1 position maximum | 1 position maximum | In the Quantum Machines Unit we focus on developing devices that use quantum mechanics which have the potential to be useful. Such machines include developing precision sensors, through to protocols and devices to help quantum information processing e.g. quantum memories etc. Such machines can involve many different physical phenomena including optomechanics e.g. the interaction of light and moving mechanical objects, magneto-mechanics - the control of mechanical system by magnetic forces, and quantum version of these. The unit does research on all of these topics both theory and experiment and this can involve developing interesting control and analysis strategies which can sometimes require sophisticated levels of control e.g. feedback control, understanding Brownian motion in gases for odd shaped objects - both in theory and experiment. |
Marylka Yoe Uusisaari | Neuronal Rhythms in Movement Unit | 2 positions maximum | 2 positions maximum | Projects involving analysis and 3D reconstruction of various image data (EM, CT and confocal imaging, also calcium imaging recordings), computational analysis and visualization of animal movement based on marker-based 3D motion capture experiments, possibly behavioral, immunohistological or imaging experiments depending on skills and motivation. Generally, we prefer to have the students stay at least 3 months if they wish to learn new skills. |
Hiroshi Watanabe | Evolutionary Neurobiology Unit | 2 positions maximum | 2 positions maximum | |
Jeff Wickens | Neurobiology Research Unit | No availability | 1 position maximum |
Matthias Wolf | Molecular Cryo-Electron Microscopy Unit | No availability | No availability | Cryo-electron microscopy |
Yamada Makoto | Machine Learning and Data Science (MLDS) Unit | 3 position maximum | 3 position maximum | Projects in machine learning and data science. Interns will work on developing machine learning algorithms and applying them to real-world problems. After the internship period, we aim to submit the intern work to top machine learning venues. The following papers are written by recent interns:
Tadashi Yamamoto | Cell Signalling Unit | 2 positions maximum | 1 position maximum | Cancer biology and RNA biology |
Yoko Yazaki-Sugiyama | Neuronal Mechanisms for the Critical Period Unit | 1 position maximum | 1 position maximum | We are trying to understand how neuronal circuits are shaped and modified to have specific functions over development by using bird song learning models. We have been using, electrophysiology, anatomy, optogenetics and viral tools as our major gears. Besides, we are developing more genetical tools such as in situ and RNAseq. For internship program, we can provide; - Behavioral test/analysis on bird song learning - Immunohistochemical / in situ hybridyzation analysis on development neuromodulator system - Electrophysiological analysis on auditory information processing |
Yohei Yokobayashi | Nucleic Acid Chemistry and Engineering Unit | 2 positions maximum | 2 positions maximum | Experimental projects on functional nucleic acids that function in cells (mammalian, bacterial), or purely chemical systems (test tubes, artificial cells). Requires some experience in molecular biology, biochemistry, or synthetic chemistry experiments. |
Yutaka Yoshida | Neural Circuit Unit | 2 positions maximum | 2 positions maximum | We study neural circuits to control motor behaviors using a variety of techniques such as molecular biology, mouse genetics, optogenetics, behavioral assays, Ca imaging, electrophysiology, and others. |
Shu Zhang | Collective Dynamics and Quantum Transport Unit | TBD | TBD | |
Xiaodan Zhou | Analysis on Metric Spaces Unit | 1 position maximum | 1 position maximum | Projects related to various notions of convexity and geometric inequalities in the Heisenberg group; Geometric function theory and equations in metric measure spaces |